
Thank you for visiting the
Sex Offender One Stop Resource 

for Registered Citizens.

We appreciate you visiting our website. This is June 25, 2024.

We apologize for not updating the website in some time. We are going back to work on it and moving forward.

We have all kind of information available to you, and more will come as time goes on. We need the help and support of our public and services…




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This site has many links and information, such as to the D.O.C in Florida, news coverages, Government assistance websites, access to how to get food, and supplies, all government contacts available, all the ordinance websites, and information  Housing options, companies that hire Registered Citizens, legal pro se motions, county court addresses, county jail information, etc for each county in state of Florida,

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All websites listed are provided information only for the state of Florida. The resources that are listed on our website, are in no particular order on each county page

We do not certify, endorse, or control any of these external link. We do not certify accuracy, timeliness of information, and/or working of these links. Use of this information is voluntary and should be independently reviewed for accuracies.

Project SOAR Recovery Residences Inc**
Main Office: 1235 NE 15th Avenue Fort Lauderdale FL. 33304
General Company Email: admissions@projectsoar.us
Office # 954-368-6787 or Voicemail # 954-900-9980
Details: Sober state certified living/drug, some can accept RPs in need of substance abuse recovery; Multiple locations in Ft. Lauderdale/Broward Co.; shared/dorm living; No Deposits; Processing Fee $150; Rent: $500-$700 Mo. or $130-$185/wk; Food Pantry Services are $250/Mo. or $50/Wk; residents make own meals

Florida Action Committee maintains a resource page that may contain housing leads in addition to what I have below. Listings for FL marked with a ** are those verified accurate in March 2021 by Derek Logue and a fellow activist. All other housing resources were extrapolated from various resources including FAC, SOHOFLA, the Middle District Court of FL, and various other resources:

ACTS (Another Chance Transitional Services)
2104 N. Pace Blvd., Pensacola FL 32505

Care Patrol: SENIOR CITIZENS ONLY needing help with activities of daily living and in search of Assisted Living Facilities can contact Care Patrol at 727-451-9225

Clifford Hill Community Outreach
Shelter with meals for adult. Available to ex-offenders, including SOs. Emergency clothing referral. 24-7
Contact: Helen Pridgen, 1303 E. New Orleans Ave, Tampa FL 33603
Phone 813-237-5439 or Fax 813-234-4762


Continental Inn, owned and operated by Pinellas Ex-Offender Re-Entry Coalition
Address: 12810 U.S Hwy 19 North, Clearwater, FL
Phone: 727-346-3350, Ask for Jim Broderick, Florida Justice Transitions

Coastal Apartments
c/o Josh Sims, Apt F2, 16800 Carmen Ave, Ft. Myers FL 33908

Phoenix Housing**
501 N. Orlando Ave #313, Box 145, Winter Park Florida 32789
407-548-4623 #1
Details: Shared rooms start at & averages $550/mo.; individual rooms start at $650/mo., averages around $700/mo. Includes use of furnishings (new bed, used dresser, and used night stand). Common area is furnished with essential kitchenware, appliances, and dining area. Washer and dryer is also included at all locations. Assistance is provided for the following: completion of initial food stamp application and transportation to first visit of Sheriff’s Office (for registration), DMV, and Probation Offenders and Predators are accepted. Male and/or females may be accepted. Couples may be accepted on a case by case basis. All housing is located in the Orlando area, Orange Co. FL. Security Deposit and First Month’s rent due to move-in. NO admin, application, or processing fees are charged.

Plant a Seed Ministries (Addiction center open to RCs)
Address: 2021 Avenue D Ft, Fort Pierce, FL 34950
Phone: 772-468-0120

Project SOAR Recovery Residences Inc**
1231-1235 NE 15th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale FL 33304
800-992-0381 extension 0 (toll-free) or 954-900-9980 extension 0 (local)
or Email: info@projectsoar.us
Details: Sober state certified living/drug & alcohol recovery home; has 12 locations that can accept RCs, 5 can accept “predators”; program fee ranges anywhere from $110-$155/wk, $150 admission fee. LiveChat with a Specialist 24/7 on our website, www.projectsoar.us

The Ranch
P.O. Box 92901, Lakeland FL 33804
Manager: Chris

REAP (Re-Entry Alliance Pensacola)
912 N. U St., Pensacola FL 32505
Contact: Vince Whibbs, 850-332-6677 Vince Whibbs

Restoration Destination
120 Pelican Lake Drive, Pahokee FL 33476
Tel & Text: 561-924-5556 or Email: info@restorationdestination.org
Additional Info: This is a rental community in Pahokee, FL formerly known as Matthew 25 Ministries City of Refuge

SCORE (Second Chance Outreach, Reentry, & Education)
8390 Transitional Rd, Milton FL 32583
Contact: Alton Johnson, 850-437-9900

Solid Rock Foundation, contact: Thomas Brown
23945 NE 113th Ave. Fort McCoy FL 32134

Southeast New Start Transition Housing
9171 Parker Ave, Jacksonville FL 32218
Kelly Clemens, 904-234-5437

Sunshine Mobile Home Park, LLC (Located in Cocoa, FL)
Michael Shannon, 305-998-5000 ext. 1001 or Email: info@edgeasset.com
Pricing starts at $350 for a private room with a keyed lock. Furnishings are available if needed at an additional cost. $100 application fee. 1 month security deposit required. Fast approval and move in.

Trinity House (Men only)**
Mailing address: 372 Kaye Street, Fort Pierce FL 34947
Don’t take CRD or Predators; you need a sponsor since there is no rental assistance offered in the area

The Villages Of Orlando**
Lake Shore Village, 4127 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando FL 32804
Overland Village, 3303 Overland Road, Apopka FL 32703
Hillcrest Village, 6105 Beggs Road, Orlando FL 32810
407-616-7757 or Email: SOHOFLA@gmail.com
Details: Males (might accept Couples/Females under some circumstances); $35 application fee; mobile homes/dwllings

Florida Action Committee maintains a resource page that may contain housing leads in addition to what I have below. Listings for FL marked with a ** are those verified accurate in March 2021 by Derek Logue and a fellow activist. All other housing resources were extrapolated from various resources including FAC, SOHOFLA, the Middle District Court of FL, and various other resources:

ACTS (Another Chance Transitional Services)
2104 N. Pace Blvd., Pensacola FL 32505

CARE Tallahassee**
1224 Eppes Drive, Tallahassee FL 32304
Office: 850-320-0281 or Fax: 850-536-6886
ABOUT: Christian home for Males; We specialize mainly with those incarcerated ready to be released; open to all; We communicate via mail to complete the application process. We have a somewhat restrictive first 30 days, then If the new resident continues working for the ministry, they do not pay fees; however, once they obtain employment, they start paying program fees. $100/wk, or $400/mo. The address has to be approved by Leon Co. DOC Probation/ Parole where they want to stay once released if they are released under DOC supervision.

City Walk Urban Mission
1351 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee FL 32303

Clifford Hill Community Outreach
1303 E. New Orleans Ave, Tampa FL 33603
Phone 813-237-5439 or Fax 813-234-4762
Details: Shelter with meals for adult. Available to ex-offenders, including RPs. Emergency clothing referral. 24-7


Coastal Apartments
c/o Josh Sims, Apt F2, 16800 Carmen Ave, Ft. Myers FL 33908

Helping Offenders Successfully Transition
407-437-3694 or hosttransitionservices@gmail.com

Housing4Offenders LLC**
PO Box 607096, Orlando FL 32860
Primary contact: Ron Johnson, 407-548-4623 or Email: info@housing4offenders.com
Visit us at www.housing4offenders.com
DETAILS: Monthly rent starts at $500/mo. Housing in Orange Co. Amenities include bedroom furnishings, cable services, washer and dryer, kitchen/dining area use, water, and electric. First month’s rent and 1 month’s rent due as security to move-in; males only but some options may be open to couples.

Randy Young, 407-925-4471 or Email: hfouro@aol.com

The Lighthouse Mission of Orlando
2554 Overland Rd, Apopka FL 32703

Freddy Rodriguez, Re-Entry Specialist, Email: freddy@offenderhousing.org
P.O. Box 547758, Orlando FL 32854
Cell: 407-541-9766 cell; Office: 407-704-4126; Fax 866-253-8611

Palace Mobile Home Park**
R2 Properties Co. Ltd, Inc., 2500 54th Avenue N., Ste 100-B, St Petersburg FL 33714
Office: 727-289-7020 or 727-289-7021, Fax: 727-954-7090, E-mail: cmilczarek49@palacemhp.com
Conditions: Males; It takes $1400 total to move in– $200 non-refundable application fee, and first two months and last month’s rent at $400/mo.; Electric not included in price. You will also need $30.25 for DMV to get your ID. We have strict criteria for acceptance; non-violent, drug free community; persons on CRD only; cannot take Predators due to a bus stop rule; Probation may require persons to have additional months paid up front prior to acceptance with us. This will be a lease for (6) six months and a day. Trailers are “shared living” (private bedroom, shared kitchen/ bathroom)

The Ranch
P.O. Box 92901, Lakeland FL 33804
Manager: Chris

REAP (Re-Entry Alliance Pensacola)
912 N. U St., Pensacola FL 32505
Contact: Vince Whibbs, 850-332-6677 Vince Whibbs

Restoration Destination
120 Pelican Lake Drive, Pahokee FL 33476
Tel & Text: 561-924-5556 or Email: info@restorationdestination.org
Additional Info: This is a rental community in Pahokee, FL formerly known as Matthew 25 Ministries City of Refuge

SCORE (Second Chance Outreach, Reentry, & Education)
8390 Transitional Rd, Milton FL 32583
Contact: Alton Johnson, 850-437-9900

Solid Rock Foundation, contact: Thomas Brown
23945 NE 113th Ave. Fort McCoy FL 32134

Southeast New Start Transition Housing
9171 Parker Ave, Jacksonville FL 32218
Kelly Clemens, 904-234-5437


The Villages Of Orlando***
Lake Shore Village, 4127 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando FL 32804
Overland Village, 3303 Overland Road, Apopka FL 32703
Hillcrest Village, 6185 Beggs Road, Orlando FL 32810
407-616-7757 or Email: SOHOFLA@gmail.com
https://sohofl.org/     (The Website works even if my site claims it doesn’t.)
Details: Males w/ focus on those age 55+; $35 application fee; mobile homes/dwllings; rent $600/mo to $800/mo, w/ first & last mo. rent and security deposit required up front; those with “high risk/high profile” or drug dealing convictions are not accepted.

Please note: Most the links on this website, or any other Registered Citizens One Stop Resource website will open in a new window.

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Updated: June 28, 2024 — 10:11 am

The Author


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