Missouri Sex Offender One Stop Resource

Resource Website for Registered Citizens in Missouri

Housing Updates

Reset Missouri P.O. Box 460366, St. Louis MO 63146 314-384-6541 or Email: info@resetmissouri.org https://resetmissouri.org/ The MO DOC Reentry contains a resource database at https://doc.mo.gov/programs/reentry-housing When accessed in August 2022, the resource page was set up with a list of options on the right hand side of the screen, and you can choose “does not exclude sex […]

Missouri house bill would require sex offenders to wear ankle monitoring bracelet while relocating

BUFFALO, Mo. (KY3) – A bill in the Missouri House of Representatives would require certain sex offenders to wear ankle monitoring bracelets while relocating. House Bill 1603 is sponsored by Missouri Rep. Randy Pietzman (R-Troy). The bill is making its way through the Missouri House of Representatives. Supporters say the legislation would help to keep track […]

What the heck is going on in Missouri

What the heck is going on in Missouri It’s a new law that’s causing people to question whether they are hearing it correctly or whether it’s “fake news” or not. Missouri passed a law that’s putting all sex offenders on GPS for life. Even those whose sentences don’t order it. Clearly they are not applying […]

Missouri to remove hundreds of GPS monitoring devices recently put on sex offenders

Missouri to remove hundreds of GPS monitoring devices recently put on sex offenders ST. LOUIS • Hundreds of sex offenders will soon have GPS monitoring devices removed from their ankles after Missouri officials recently required that they wear the bulky devices, according to a preliminary injunction filed in Cole County Circuit Court on Monday. “We are […]

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