North Carolina Sex Offender One Stop Resource

Resource Website for Registered Citizens in North Carolina


The links below are to websites that offer information related to North Carolina sex offense laws, statistics and other related topics. All website listed below provided information only for the state of North Carolina. The resources below are listed in no particular order. If you know of any other resources that should be added to the North Carolina sex offender resource list, please contact us and let us know. We do not certify, endorse, or control any of these external link. We do not certify accuracy, timeliness of information, and/or working of these links. Use of this information is voluntary and should be independently reviewed for accuracies. Links will open in a new window. Page updated on February 9, 2022

State Register, Laws & Information

  • North Carolina Public Sex Offender Registry – This is the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigations official Sex Offender Registry database. It can be used to view information about a Sexual Offender.
  • North Carolina Registration Laws – Information about Megan’s law in the State of North Carolina in more layman’s terms then many sites. This page is provided by The KLAAS Kids Foundation.

Support & Counseling

  • AFK Counseling – AFK Counseling offers testing and therapy for sex addicted individuals.
  • The Cumberland County Mental Health Center – The Cumberland County Mental Health Center is a comprehensive community service agency providing programs for adult and child mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse services. They offer treatment for adult sex offender and are located in Fayetteville, NC.
  • The Institute for Family Centered Services – IFCS has earned the reputation for successfully serving families with the most challenging and difficult circumstances, utilizing powerful and rigorous interventions via intensive in home services to maximize community safety. They offer a treatment program for adult sex offenders and sex offender assessment. Please visit their site to find a location nearest to you.
  • Service Directory – A list of Counseling options offered in the state of North Carolina. The list provides treatment providers for both adults and juvenile sexual offenders. Please view the list to find a counselor in your area. (This is a .pdf file)
  • Family Preservation Services of North Carolina, Inc. – Family Preservation Services of North Carolina, Inc. (FPS) of North Carolina offers individual, family and group therapy, community based professional and paraprofessional services, adolescent sex offender services, and outpatient services. Please visit their website to find a location nearest to you.
  • Shepherd-Way – Shepherd-Way’s primary goals of treatment are to empower families to resolve current and future challenges in a healthy, non-damaging way, to reduce out-of-home placements, and to reduce the rates of sexual deviant behaviors in the adolescent and adult population. They provide Sex Offender Evaluation and Adult and Juvenile Sex Offender Group. They are located in Belmont, NC.
  • Transformative Life Center – An outpatient mental health practice that offers sex offender evaluations by a certified sex offender evaluator. They are located in Charlotte, NC.

Other Resources

  • Stop the Senate – Site to find out whom your state senator is and ways to contact him/her.
  • Stop the House of Representatives- Site to find out whom your state House of Representative is and ways to contact him/her.
  • Stop the Governor – Site to find out whom your state’s governor is and how to contact him/her.
  The Charlotte Reentry has a listing of housing options, mostly in the Charlotte area, and some are open to registered citizens. CLICK HERE to access the Charlotte Reentry housing page. The following places were listed as of June 2017: MIRACLE HOUSE OF HOPE 980.939.9679 9 month program residential program for men and women including sex offenders. Free transportation provided. SABER 704.347.0278 A program of the Urban Ministry Center, each individual receives housing and three months of intensive outpatient treatment followed by six months of continuing care for substance abusing men. No fees. No restrictions. J Services Center. SUPPORTIVE HOUSING COMMUNITIES SCATTERED SITE APARTMENTS 704.335.9380 Must be referred through coordinated assessment. Men, women and families. Residents have at least one disabling condition and are chronically homeless. $100 to move in. Residents with income pay 30% of income for rent No restrictions   SAMSHA ADMINISTRATION 800-662-4357
North Carolina Sex Offender One Stop Resource © 2022