Coweta County Rentals

Unfortunately, we do not have any available resources in this county, known to us at this time. If you browse our website and do not find any needed or available information, it is only because we do not have any information just yet.

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Please help us by sending us any information or resource that you feel that may be relevant to our cause. We would greatly appreciate it.

If you are looking for resources in a specific county, please navigate to the top of our page where it lists the county in alphabetical order. Click on that page, and you will navigate to that county\’s official page.

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  1. In need of housing for my son being released from transitional center and is working in Newman. Needs immediate rental because he is transitional center date ends on December for release. PLEASE HELP IS APPRECIATED.

  2. Need help with 3br I’m not listed as a predator I will be released in May. Accused of having sex in the presence of under age minor. Totally harmless please help.

  3. Fredric Preston

    I am to be released on May 8th from the Transitional Center in Lagrange. The address I had fell through. I am fully employed in Newnan and have transportation. Over 12 years ago I was deceived about the actual age of the other party. I have turned my life completely around. I have given my life back to Christ. I need immediate housing. Please contact me

    1. Dear Fredic I read you message and now I have a similar problem with my nephew he will be reaseale on March 17th and have to place to
      That allow ex convicted around the lagrange area could you please help me with places tyhat can accept a room for
      Him I would pay the rent till he is stable
      God bless you

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