McLean County Housing

Housing Available


Joy Care Center
Aftercare for Ex-Offenders
510 E. Washington Street, Suite 112
Joy Care Center, Inc.
Bloomington, IL 61701 (309)
Description: Joy Care is a faith-based organization that serves both men and women who have
criminal backgrounds regardless of the severity of charges. Through respect, validation, and
empowerment, Joy Care staff provides a safe and accepting environment that supports individuals’ needs with employment, housing, food and clothing, education, transportation assistance, building positive relationships, finding or strengthening faith, and more. Job partnership, Celebrate Recovery, Support Groups, offering mentors and accountability partners, and providing food and clothing shelters are Joy Care’s main services. Joy Care has a presence in the community and many relationships with employers and landlords, as well as experience in referring out to the community for all kinds of services/ needs.
Eligibility: Anyone with a criminal history. Violent and sex offenders are not excluded.
Hours: Classes (job partnership & Celebrate Recovery)- Mondays 6-8 pm; Support Group Wednesdays
Fees: No fees.
Documents Needed: Documents regarding charges are preferred, but not required.
How to Begin Services:
IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY INCARCERATED, write a letter with the following information:
1. Current charges.
2. Release date.
3. Services and/or supports needed currently and/or upon release.
IF YOU ARE NOT CURRENTLY INCARCERATED: Call the program coordinator at the number above, and leave. It will be returned shortly. One may also show up at any of the classes/groups or may send a letter requesting services.


Updated: February 26, 2022 — 7:06 pm

The Author