Biden’s SCOTUS nominee once argued judicial system is ‘unfair’ to sexual predators


Jackson argued the unconstitutionality of certain preventative measures adopted as common practices by state governments and applied to confirmed sex offenders.
Per the Harvard Law Review article “Prevention Versus Punishment: Toward a Principled Distinction in the Restraint of Released Sex Offenders,” she argued that America’s judicial approaches might be unfair to sex offenders.
“This Note critiques current judicial approaches to characterizing sex offender statutes and suggests a more principled framework for making the distinction between prevention and punishment,” Jackson wrote in the piece.
Jackson maintained that “even in the face of understandable public outrage over repeat sexual predators, a principled prevention/punishment analysis evaluates the effect of the challenged legislation in a manner that reinforces constitutional safeguards against unfair and unnecessarily burdensome legislative action.”SOURCE

by FAC Contributor #3


Updated: February 28, 2022 — 6:43 pm

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