Wilton Manors, FL to consider tying business licenses to employee background checks

The reaction following the discovery that a person required to register as a sex offender was a long-time employee of the Pride Center in Wilton Manors (a suburb of Ft. Lauderdale, FL), has gone from overboard to absurd.

City Commissioner Julie Carson now wants to tie the issuance of a business license, to the requirement that background checks be done on employees.

According to this article in South Florida Gay News, Commissioner Carson said, “a number of people have spoken to me on how we can ensure our children are protected in Wilton Manors. The only way I have determined that we might be able to do it … is to tie the issuance of a business license or business tax receipt to background checks of employees and volunteers,”

The comment shows how misguided the Commissioner is. The overwhelming majority of sex offenses are committed by someone NOT on the sex offender registry. If she determined “the only way” to protect children is to screen for people required to register, she’s either extremely ignorant or is clueless about public safety.

If anyone would like to write a respectful email to Commissioner Carson with your thoughts on this issue, she can be reached at jcarson@wiltonmanors.com.


Updated: July 6, 2018 — 11:10 am

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