Arizona Sex Offender One Stop Resource

Find Everything For Felons In One Place


If this page is empty, please keep checking back. This is December 2024, I am going to be working on locating more resources  and placing them on my website, asap.


Williams Property Management LLC refundable after 90 days, or after no longer residing after 1 week notice.
$130 deposit
$169.00 weekly
$299.00 total move-in
(Verified on 12/21/2024)

Veterans Housing Outreach Ministries of Louisiana (New Orleans) has offender housing for Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 sex offenders. (NOT JUST FOR VETERANS!)
(504) 3403429
Currently, we have vacancies in Orleans and Jefferson parishes. We accept sex offenders from all states. 504-340-3429 call and Text

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  1. My Step Dad is a sex offender, We are having a very hard time finding someone who will rent to him. He has not been in trouble in over 12 years and is a hard worker and makes good money. If there is any way you can help us with finding anyone who will rent to him we would greatly appreciate it!

  2. We are in search of an apartment for a 60 year old male. 1 bedroom studio.

  3. Aindrea McCammon, LMSW

    I am a case manager in transitional housing seeking permanent housing for a veteran who must register as a sex offender. He is a senior, disabled, and low-income. He has had an exemplary record for over 20 years. He has been an asset to our community while in transitional housing. He also has a caregiver and a companion animal. Any and all resources and suggestions would be most helpful. Thank you!

  4. Hello I’m looking for housing for me and my family but its hard because my boyfriend is register as a sex offender and were trying to move to a bigger place any ideas what I can do because I dont work he the only one working

  5. I’m a 44 year old business owner and a level 3 sex offender. I’m being evicted becouse my landlord says he does not want children in the complex becouse of the high number of sex offenders he rents to.. however there is another family who is also a sex offender who is not being asked to leave… I need to find a place to rent asap! Any one have any ideas?.

    1. Please let me know the apartment complex you stay in, I’m a sex offender who lives alone and I am in desperate need of a place.

  6. I am a therapist and have a client who is a registered sex offender looking for housing in Tucson, preferable north side of town. One bedroom apartment or the like

  7. Name: William J. Crary
    Phone: 520-272-0651
    Tucson, Arizona 85705
    What may we assist you with?: I am currently living in a place that accepts sex offenders. Over the last two years he has raised the rent a hundred dollars. This last one with a note that this is the prevailing rent in this area and for what he offers. Yet when i even look at Craigslist, I find dozens of apartments at the same price or less with excellent amenities.

    He just simply knows that he can keep raising the rent cause we don’t have to many other options if we don’t want to live on the streets.

    I am a good renter. I pay my rent on time every month without fail, have even done repairs on my own just to get them done, and have good credit. I need to move and find an apartment that isn’t run by a slum lord. I am a good person just trying to continue to fit in.

    Anything you can do to help me find another place would be helpful.

    1. where you ever able to locate anything?

      1. Not really. Still looking. Trying to step up out of the place I’m in. Trying to move up in the world but finding it difficult. I pay on time and keep my place clean. Money doesn’t matter. There’s sick a stigma

        1. My dad is looking for a place he just got evicted and needs to find a place ASAP in Tucson. He is a good man and has worked all his life and raised 3 grown kids a son and 2 daughters. If anybody know where he can find a place to live a studio or 1 bedroom that’s low income he’s retired and gets social security. Please let me know I would greatly appreciate any help

    2. Hi I am in need of a place for rent I am a lvl 3 but it’s 20 years old and in a different state I need a place by the 1st I have a roommate and Ann currently living in transitional house if I have a job so does my friend make good money am looking for a 2 bedroom place that accepts a dog if anyone can help 5202708509

  8. Can you please help us find an apartment or house that will rent to us? My husband is a level 2 sex offender and has had a clean record in 18 years. He did 18 months in Florida for failing to register in the allotted time due to illness any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated

  9. Hello! My friend is being released after 5 years on June 17th. He is a sex offender. He’s quiet and respectful and just wants to rebuild his life. Anyone out there with a bed he can rent in Tucson?

  10. Me and my boyfriend is looking for a place he’s a sex offender. It’s hard to find a place I’m on disability we need a place ASAP

  11. I’m a 28 year old sex offender looking for a place to live a one bedroom to two bedrooms if possible I work

  12. Just moved to Pima County. Desperately need a place to stay. Would prefer a studio apartment but I will take what I can get right now. Please help. Discrimination is out of control.

  13. Any Units or housing for a older man 69, with multiple health issues, disabled, level 2 sex offender from year 2000. No reoffending ever, good quiet tenant. My Offense was a computer related one, by a roommate I had at the time, and had to take the crime, because it was my apartment, and he was not on the lease. Never encountered a Minor physically. Really need something in Pima County. Need to start looking, and will need to move in August for a Sept move in. Any help would be appreciated!

  14. Any Units or housing for a older man 69, with multiple health issues, disabled, level 2 sex offender from year 2000. No reoffending ever, good quiet tenant. My Offense was a computer related one, by a roommate I had at the time, and had to take the crime, because it was my apartment, and he was not on the lease. Never encountered a Minor physically. Really need something in Pima County. Need to start looking, and will need to move in August for a Sept move in. Any help would be appreciated!

  15. If anyone has a list of places that accept sex offenders please let me know my boyfriend is the sex offender and we are needing to find a place to stay. He is a Level 2 and will need to find a place. Thank you in advance and any help would be appreciated

  16. I am a 75 year old disabled vet. I’m trying to find a place near to my son in Tucson.I have no one to help me here in Houston. I have a sex offence back 35 years ago. I did 10 years probation.That charge is the only charge against me in my life.including no traffic tickets what so ever in my 57 years of driving. Not even a parking ticket.

  17. Hello my dad just got released and is in need of somewhere to go in Tucson, he has to register as a sex offender, he’s currently sleeping under a freeway overpass please help us.

  18. I’m 50 years old I’m trying to find a place for me and my fiance here in Tucson Arizona please if you can help me we both work we both have cars I just have a hard time finding your face hopefully you can help me out with that thank you

  19. Tony D

    I’ve been recently released and am having a hard time finding employment. I’ve had a number of great interviews until it gets to the background questions. I’ve lots at least 10 jobs at that point. I’m a skilled contractor and enjoy working. Housing is also a major issue. I’m now homeless and living in my car. Any guidance and direction would be so helpful.

  20. Come Out to visit or Call 24/7. Close to jobs and transportation.
    Metropolitan New Orleans Area!!! ***Louisiana***
    Veterans Housing Outreach Ministries has sex offender housing for Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 sex offenders.
    We evaluate and house sex offenders from **All States** as well.
    Shared Housing Available, now. Some Small Studios have openings.
    Veterans Housing Outreach [Louisiana]***Sex Offender Housing Initiative***
    New Orleans and Jefferson Parish has vacancies. and and
    5043403429 call and text.
    5044394235 call and text.
    Open on Weekends, Also
    Call/Text 24/7 for all questions

  21. In desperate need of housing for me and my fiancee I am registered so level 3 out of prison 4 years 1 or 2 bedrooms max of around $800 – $900 we are clean and sober and we have some medical issues we are dealing with. Need handicap accessible if possible

  22. My brother just got out f jail and needs housing. He was in for sex offence. Where can he find a place?

  23. I’m a level three female. Sierra Vista. With a bf and three children. I really need to know where may accept me. Its nine years old.

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