Ex Offender Housing
Arizona Department of Corrections – Department of corrections reentry program for the state of Arizona.
Arizona Advocates for Ex-Offenders – AAFEO is a Phoenix based nonprofit agency whose mission is to reduce the recidivism through active engagement and community involvement. We want to assist ex-offenders in maintaining and staying out of prison/jails by providing direct assistance, information as well as resources.
Family Service Agency – The Community Re-Integration Program provides an array of services all dedicated to assisting ex-offenders in preparing for, securing and maintaining long-term employment. The program is designed to meet the specific needs of ex-offenders re-entering the workforce to ensure a successful transition into society.
Phoenix Business Publishing – This is a website repository that provides practical, instructive, and balanced information to the media, to academia and to the general public regarding America’s criminal justice system. This site is primarily for white-collar offenders who are seeking a single, comprehensive and credible source that details the inner-workings of America’s federal prison system and the public policy that shapes it. From this site, viewers can obtain a 26-page report detailing the internal operations of any one of America’s 120 federal prison facilities, and a directory of the 255 federal halfway houses nationwide.
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