Feb 21, 2019 | 2 comments
The Arizona House Judiciary Committee voted unanimously in favor of a proposal to slightly expand the number of people who are eligible to be removed from Arizona’s sex offender registry, lauding a proposal that many called an incremental step in the right direction while calling for Arizona to go further. House Bill 2613 would extend eligibility for removal from the sex offender registry to people involving law enforcement officers or others who pose as a 15, 16 or 17-year-old, and to any other offense in which the victim was at least 15 years. Currently, the statute only applies to people convicted of consensual sexual contact with a minor who is at least 15. The legislation would remove that exclusive requirement, but it’s unclear what other offenses might become eligible for removal from the registry.
if the registry is not punitive, then why not have a registry for the names, addresses, and jobs for the the prosecutors, register workers, and the like. i mean they should be proud of there jobs. heck, i cannot even legally protect myself, cannot work, cannot have a smart phone for any reason, or even find a place to live in this ‘god fearing & forgiving’ (yeah right) place called america. the land of the free, with the biggest incarceration rates in the world.
I am an x so. Male, 74 yrs of age. I moved to AZto livew my cousin in Tempe. I registered as soon as I got here (from Mi.), but as soon as her Sr. Mobile home Park got word from the registry, they said I had to move out and threatened to evict my cousin. I don’t know which way to turn. Please let me know, if possible,if there are available places for an x so to live. I have been free of any convictions or crimes, no incidents, nor illegal substance abuse since I was released 11years ago. I am giving you her email. I don’t have one. I have 13 days to be out of here. I get a social security check and Medicare.