The links below are to websites that offer information related to Oregon sex offense laws, statistics and other related topics. All website listed below provided information only for the state of Oregon. The resources below are listed in no particular order. If you know of any other resources that should be added to the Oregon sex offender resource list, please contact us and let us know.
We do not certify, endorse, or control any of these external link. We do certify working of these links. Use of this information is voluntary and should be independently reviewed for accuracies.
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State Register, Laws & Information
- Oregon Public Sex Offender Registry – This is the Oregon State Police official Sex Offender Registry database. It can be used to view information about a Sexual Offender.
- Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment and Treatment -Oregon Youth Authority rules for treatment of juvenile sex offenders and these rules apply only to those who have been adjudicated for sex offenses.
- Oregon Sex Offender Supervision Network – A unique overlay to Oregon´s sex offender supervision strategy is a line-level group of parole/probation officers empowered to significantly guide the direction of sex offender supervision for the state: the Sex Offender Supervision Network. The Network was founded on the belief that empowerment and participatory management will result in the most effective strategies to manage this and other offender groups.
- Oregon Megan’s Law – Information about Megan’s law in the State of Oregon in more layman’s terms then many sites. This page is provided by The KLAAS Kids Foundation.
Support & Counseling
- Oregon Adolescent Sex Offender Treatment Network – The Oregon Adolescent Sex Offender Treatment Network (OASOTN) is dedicated to the effective management of sexually offending youth through professionally accepted standards of treatment and supervision.
- White Bird Clinic – White Bird Clinic is a non-profit human service agency serving the people of Lane County for over 30 years. If they can’t help directly, they’ll refer you to available options.
- Life Ability – Life Ability is a Portland business designed to teach and support you as you learn everyday life and success skills while building confidence to conquer your world. We offer employment and life skills training, in both group and individual settings.
- Better People – Better People is an established employment and counseling program solely dedicated to helping former offenders find, keep and excel in well paying jobs with fair, decent employers.
- Sponsors – Sponsors has been providing re-entry services to ex-offenders in Lane County. Their Sex Offender Program houses 15 offenders and has been in operation since 2004.
Other Resources
- Oregon CURE’s – Oregon CURE’s mission is to support the incarcerated, their families and friends by advocating for effective criminal justice policies and practices.
- Partnership for Safety and Justice – Partnership for Safety and Justice unites those most affected by crime, violence, and the criminal justice system (survivors of crime, people convicted of crime, and the families of both) to advance approaches that redirect policies and resources from an over-reliance on incarceration, to effective strategies that reduce violence and recidivism, and increase personal and community safety. They are based in Portland, Oregon, and work across the state.
- Stop the Senate – Site to find out whom your state senator is and ways to contact him/her.
- Stop the House of Representatives- Site to find out whom your state House of Representative is and ways to contact him/her.
PO Box 431
Salem, OR 97308-0431
Telephone: 503-967-6388 (Verified on Feb 15, 2022)
New Life Transitions in Portland 503-935-3050
Free On The Outside in Oregon City 503-908-0596
These resources may be able to help find housing
Sponsors, Inc. | Reentry Services since 1973
338 Highway 99 North, Eugene, OR 97402
Main Office: 541.485.8341
Direct Line: 541.505.5661
Oregon Voices has a housing page with tips on finding housing as well as a housing list of their own. The link to their page is —
Free On The Outside
PO Box 1394, Oregon City, OR 97045
Mike Cross – Director, Pastor, & Housing Coordinator
Email: or Phone: 503-383-1834
Sponsors, Inc. | Reentry Services since 1973
338 Highway 99 North, Eugene, OR 97402
Main Office: 541-485-8341 or Direct Line: 541-505-5661
(Note: email from director implies they only take RCs from Lane Co.)