The links below are to websites that offer information related to New Mexico sex offense laws, statistics and other related topics. All website listed below provided information only for the state of New Mexico. The resources below are listed in no particular order. If you know of any other resources that should be added to the Wisconsin sex offender resource list, please contact us and let us know.
We do not certify, endorse, or control any of these external link. We do not certify accuracy, timeliness of information, and/or working of these links. Use of this information is voluntary and should be independently reviewed for accuracies.
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State Register & Laws
- New Mexico Public Sex Offender Registry – This is the New Mexico Department of Public Safety official Sex Offender Registry database. It can be used to view information about a Sexual Offender.
- New Mexico Public Sex Offender Registry FAQ – This is a site provided by the New Mexico Department of Public Safety with Frequently Asked Questions in regards to the sex offender laws and rules in New Mexico.
Counseling Options
- All Faiths Receiving Home, Inc. – All Faiths can help children and families before problems become serious. They provide treatment for intra-familial sex offenders specializing in family reunification cases and children 12 and under with sexual acting out behavior. They are located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- New Mexico Clearinghouse – New Mexico Clearinghouse on Sexual Abuse and Assault Services. They have a small list of New Mexico sex offender treatment resources.
Other Resources
- Titus House Ministries – A Christian ministry which provides help to former sex offenders who are in prison and aftercare for returning citizens. Located in Tijeras, NM.
- Reform Sex Offender Laws in New Mexico – The purpose of RSOLNM is to end the punitive, public “sex offender” registry, residency restrictions, and civil commitment laws which endanger our society and stigmatize, shame, and unnecessarily ruin the lives of registered children, adults, and family members.
- Stop the Senate – Site to find out whom your state senator is and ways to contact him/her.
- Stop the House of Representatives- Site to find out whom your state House of Representative is and ways to contact him/her.
P.O Box 2376
Tijeras, New Mexico 87059
Phone: (505) 286-8807
Bridge La Entrada (888) 893-3618 Monterra Rancho Verde Sun Creek Village Sungate
Felony conviction must be older than 10+ years.
Cauwels & Stuve Conquistador Felony conviction must be older than 7+ years. (505) 266-5711
The Lanai The Lido The Portals
Monarch Arioso @ NE Heights
(505) 260-4800 Aspen Ridge
Felony convictions must be older than 10+ years. Violent offenders will not be considered.
- The Beach
- Aztec Village
- Bluewater Village
- Brentwood Gardens
- Candelaria Gardens
- David Spector at Shalom House
- Downtown at 700 2nd ST
- Glorietta Home at Uptown
- Manzano Vista
- Mountain View II & III
- Omni House
- Palazzo
- Pen-Mar
- Sandia Valley
- Sandpiper
- Santa Barbara
- Solar Villa
- Sun Plaza
- Tucson
- Uptown Vista
- Valley
- Vista Grande (ABQ)
Resort at Sandia Village Resort at Sandia Village (505) 899-9700 Felony convictions must be older than 7 +years.
La Posada Halfway House (505) 2425606 Court Ordered
Sentinel The Overlook Felony convictions must be older than 7+ years. (505) 296-8207
Bernalillo County sheriff s deputies who keep track of sex offenders were already looking for Salas after he failed to show up for his annual sex offender registration in the Phoenix area.
Im at LapaSada over there on fourth st. able to move out just cant find a place I have a job, money saved up if any one has any thing hear in Albq. perferbly some were over by Wyoming or Copper st. if not ill take wat i can git a one bedroom or studio perferibly with utilities in clueded my phone # is 505-322-0277 Jason
my name is Jahlil. currently on the NM public registry, wrongfully convicted. I’m really not a bad person neither am I a threat. I need a place to live as required by PO. I’ll take anything that my employment income can be approved for, no matter the area (ABQ, Rio rancho, Los Luna’s, bernallilo is the area I am in). I have 2 kids and girlfriend that will eventually join me in the residence if approved. email me or contact me please. thank you. 505-545-7280