Sex Offender One Stop Resource

Wisconsin Resources


The links below are to websites that offer information related to Wisconsin sex offense laws, statistics and other related topics. All website listed below provided information only for the state of Wisconsin. The resources below are listed in no particular order. If you know of any other resources that should be added to the Wisconsin sex offender resource list, please contact us and let us know.

We do not certify, endorse, or control any of these external link. We do not certify accuracy, timeliness of information, and/or working of these links. Use of this information is voluntary and should be independently reviewed for accuracies. Links will open in a new window.

State Registration & Laws

  • Wisconsin Public Sex Offender Registration – This is the Wisconsin Department of Corrections official Sex Offender Registry database. It can be used to view information about a Sexual Offender.
  • Wisconsin Sexual Offense Laws – A list of State of Wisconsin and Federal Laws, Rules, and Related Background.
  • Sex Offender Supervision and Rules – A list of Wisconsin Department of Corrections standard supervision rules specifically for sex offenders.
  • Wisconsin Registration Laws – Information about the sex offender laws in more layman’s terms then many sites. This page is provided by The KLAAS Kids Foundation.

Support & Counseling

  • Wisconsin Juvenile Sexual Offender Treatment Provider Directory – Wisconsin Juvenile Sexual Offender Treatment Provider Directory is a list of counselors whom provide sex offender treatment to juveniles. This file was revised in 2008. (This is a .pdf file)
  • Kids Hope United – Kids Hope United is a private, nonprofit human service organization dedicated to protecting children and strengthening families. They provide sex offender treatment for juvenile and are located in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
  • Pathfinders – Pathfinders has helped those we serve to take charge of their lives, connect to others, and contribute to the community. Our programs are designed to protect children, strengthen individuals and families, and improve the emotional and mental health of our neighbors struggling with difficult challenges. Preventing sexual abuse among young people by providing treatment to at-risk youth with sexual behavior problems is the goal of Pathfinders Step 5 program, Milwaukee County’s oldest outpatient treatment program for such youth.
  • Family Options Counseling – Family Options Counseling is committed to providing quality, professional, and caring services to families in South Eastern Wisconsin. They offer the Alternatives to Sexual Assault Program (ASAP) is a 5 month (minimum) intensive therapeutic program for children, adolescents and young adults who have displayed inappropriate sexual behaviors. They are located in Wauwatosa, WI.
  • ATTIC Correctional Services, Inc. – ATTIC Correctional Services, Inc. began in 1977 as a halfway house for adult male offenders in Madison, Wisconsin. Since its inception, this agency has developed services to meet the increasing needs for supervision and treatment of correctional clients living in Wisconsin. They provide comprehensive individual and group counseling for sex offenders.
  • Heinz Psychological Services – At Heinz Psychological Services our goal is to always provide the highest quality, professional mental health services. They offer treatment individual sex offenders and are located in Eau Claire, WI.
  • Reach Counseling Services – Reach Counseling Services’ mission is to address sexual abuse and assault issues in our community. Offers several different treatment program, including S.O.S. which is a support group for sexual abuse perpetrators. This group is ongoing and is open to any perpetrators who would benefit from support in their recovery. They also offer S.A.T.P. – (Sexual Abuse Treatment Program). They have offices in Oshkosh and Menasha, WI.

Family Resources

  • Reach Counseling Services – Reach Counseling Services’ mission is to address sexual abuse and assault issues in our community. They provide a non-offending mothers/partners group that is a 24 week education and therapy group designed to help women understand sex offender behaviors, grooming, relationship dynamics and protective behaviors. They have offices in Oshkosh and Menasha, WI.

Additional Resources

  • Brown County Job Center – Job assistance for the Northeast region of Wisconsin.
  • Circle of Support – People helping people transition from incarceration to the community. They Serve Fond du Lac, the Fox Valley, Green Bay, Oshkosh, and Surrounding Communities.
  • Reform Sex Offender Laws in Wisconsin – Helping to reform the sex offender laws in the state of Wisconsin.
  • Stop the Senate – Site to find out whom your US State senator is and ways to contact him/her.
  • Stop the House of Representatives- Site to find out whom your US House of Representative is and ways to contact him/her.
  • Stop the Governor – Site to find out whom your state’s governor is and how to contact him/her.


  1. I need help finding a place for my man a registered sex offender to call home . I’ve been through hell and back being rejected because of this. I and him wish to live together and grow together. I support him and we will support each other once we have a home.. it’s so hard to keep getting rejected he has served 18 years in and now I feel as though the state still is punishing him because he has to be registered upon his release. please help me find us a home before June 12th 2023. in wisconsin..

    1. S. Fischer

      I’m hoping you & your man finally found somewhere to call home together. I’m in a similar situation (my man gets out in early 2026) with the restrictions on where he can be & people being nimby-ers its hard to find landlord’s willing to rent to someone with a past.

  2. Ellen Teed

    My son needs some help finding a new apartment to live in. Madison Wisconsin or surrounding area. He used to live with Madison Property Management, however they are not renewing any leases for any registered sex offenders, so he is going to be forced out and needs to find a new apartment. If anybody knows of property management companies that are friendly and understanding of RSO’s, please contact me.

  3. Mark

    my name is Mark Roach I live in northern Wisconsin north of Green Bay. I’m looking for immediate housing as my landlord is selling the place that I’m in. I’ve been looking for a while and everybody turns me down because of my registered sex offender status. Thank you

  4. Thomasina Cook

    I need help finding a place for myself. I’m a registered sex offender in Wisconsin. I did four years in prison and I’m on probation till November 9, 2030. I have been hell and back trying my hardest to find a place to live and keep getting denied every time. I have been homeless for a year now. I feel like I’m still being punished even after I did my time. I did a 360 in my life and I feel that I deserve a 2nd chance. Before my incarceration I was a really bad alcoholic, on drugs, gambling and on the wrong psych medications for my mental health. I wore a mask to not face life and now I’m not because I have been sober since 2018. In my life right now I’m doing my SOT program, I’m working part time, I’m on the right psych medications for my diagnosis, I see a therapist every week, I’m following up on my mental health and I see my agent every week. The only thing that I need to do to achieve one of my goals is to get a place I can call “home”. If it wasn’t for my boyfriend and other supporters to help me stay positive I would have given up. Please help me.

  5. Camilla O'Brien

    My son is intellectually and developmentally disabled with autism. he is being released September 3rd. he needs a residential facility with 24/7 care, and will be on the registry. we are currently waiting for his attorney to file his appeal. the DOC turned down the home he was going back to, where he was accepted, due to the proximity to a park. Looking for any information to keep him out of a TLP. He will be cared for through Family Care / My Choice.

  6. Aaron

    hello. me and my family got scammed out of 10s of thousands of dollars on a rent to own home in Minnesota. the police their said there is nothing that can be done because it’s a civil matter, it left us no choice but to move to Wisconsin with my dad. after all the transitions we just got told I cant live with my family. I have no where else to go and nether does my family. can someone please help us? please

  7. I’m currently living in Green Bay WI. I’m in a transitional living home I have 2 months to find a apartment. Luckily I found a job quickly. I went to prison for 11 yrs, I am on the registry, she was 16. It was a terrible decision I will regret for the rest of my life. If anyone has any advice or knows of anyone who could help me please reach out. I can cover first last and security, I’m a non smoker I don’t drink or use drugs. I’m just desperately seeking a place to live I’m terrified of being homeless. Thank You

  8. Mandrea Schoolmaster

    i am a mom of two boys. my youngest son’s dad is a rso in eau claire county. we r currently trying to find a place for us to call home so we cam Raise our son together. preferably in eau claire county. he is on probation. if possible would need atleast a three bedroom home.

  9. Does anyone actually professionally work with this population? I am in finishing my degree up and am a Human Service Major. I have been at a toss up of what I want to do… I kind of want to work with inmates and their release, but I know if I do that I will be working with sex offenders. I know they are not all as horrific as we think they are, but I wouldn’t mind hearing from someone who actively works with them. THANKS!

  10. Barry

    I am working with an individual in Jefferson County who is seeking employment. He is seeking part-time of between 15-20 hours a week. He has diesel mechanic experience and a degree from MATC and has reliable transportation. He does have COPD at this time, but it is under control and he is active. Please email me with any leads. He is desperate and on the verge of becoming homeless.

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Sex Offender One Stop Resource