Sex Offender One Stop Resource

North Dakota’s sex offender registry gets update to provide residents more information

North Dakota’s sex offender registry gets update to provide residents more information Jun 27, 2022 In 1947, California became the first state in the US to have a sex offender registry program and, over the years, other states followed suit. North Dakota’s law was passed in 1991. The registries are …

WI: Winnebago County approves $1 million housing project for released violent sex offenders

WI: Winnebago County approves $1 million housing project for released violent sex offenders Jun 24, 2022 | The Winnebago County Board passed a resolution Tuesday night to spend just over $1 million to build a housing facility for certain violent sex offenders that state law requires the county to house. Multiple single-resident housing …

Are Dating Apps Allowing In Registered Sex Offenders? A House Subcommittee Is Investigating

by Florida Action Committee A House subcommittee is investigating popular dating services such as Tinder and Bumble for allegedly allowing minors and sex offenders to use their services. Bumble, Grindr, The Meet Group and the Match Group, which owns such popular services as Tinder, and OkCupid, are the current targets …

NE: Sex offender residency restriction dropped by council

Jul 20, 2018 | Florida Action Committee YORK – An ordinance that would have banned convicted/registered sex offenders from living within 500 feet of a school or child care facility in York (NEBRASKA) was given a second public reading and then dropped for good. The matter came before the York City …

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Sex Offender One Stop Resource