Sex Offender One Stop Resource

Tennessee Resources


The links below are to websites that offer information related to Tennessee sex offense laws, statistics and other related topics. All website listed below provided information only for the state of Tennessee. The resources below are listed in no particular order. If you know of any other resources that should be added to the Tennessee sex offender resource list, please contact us and let us know.

We do not certify, endorse, or control any of these external link. We do not certify accuracy, timeliness of information, and/or working of these links. Use of this information is voluntary and should be independently reviewed for accuracies.

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Here is a link for the range checker to see if you are able to stay at a submitted address:

State Register, Laws & Information

  • Tennessee Public Sex Offender Registry – This is the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation official Sex Offender Registry database. It can be used to view information about a Sexual Offender.
  • Tennessee Public Sex Offender Registry FAQ – This is a site provided by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation with Frequently Asked Questions in regards to the sex offender laws in Tennessee.
  • – Amendments for Tennessee Sexual Offender and Violent Sexual Offender Registration, Verification, and Tracking Act of 2004 Provides information about the amendments to the Sex Offender Registrations laws, including a section about the process of removing one’s name from the registration.
  • Tennessee Megan’s Law – Information about Megan’s law in the State of Tennessee in more layman’s terms then many sites. This page is provided by The KLAAS Kids Foundation.

Support & Counseling

  • Counseling & Consultation Services, Inc. – Counseling & Consultation Services, Inc. is a nonprofit organization which has been formed to assess, treat and provide consultation regarding specialized treatment for youthful, adolescent or adult sexual offenders, victims of sexual abuse and their families. Their main office is located in Limestone, Tennessee.
  • Corizon Tn Re Entry – Provides sexual offenders and other valuable resources, including counseling, housing, etc.

Other Resources

  • Stop the Senate – Site to find out whom your state senator is and ways to contact him/her.
  • Stop the House of Representatives- Site to find out whom your state House of Representative is and ways to contact him/her.
  • Stop the Governor – Site to find out whom your state’s governor is and how to contact him/her.
  • Non Sex Offender Housing – This link is to a PDF of other housing locations that are not all for Sex Offenders. The ones that are available out of this list are posted below under “Housing”


updated on January 31, 2023

(NOTE: If you are in need of a treatment provider as required by law for some cases, CLICK HERE for a list of approved providers)

A housing list can be found at the Tennessee DoC website. CLICK HERE to access that site. The available housing from the TDOC list of approved transitional housing is lested as follows:

Aphesis House, Inc.
Two Locations: 113 Rayon Dr. & 120 Rayon Dr., Old Hickory, TN 37138
Primary Contact: James Settles, 615‐742‐3463 / 615‐525‐7359 or
Males. 90 days. $375 deposit. $105/wk. Mandatory meetings: Ang Mgmt/domestic violence, relapse prevention, recovery skills, spiritual AA/NA

Christian Homes Ministries
339 East Thompson Lane, Nashville TN 37217
Primary Contact: Mr. Cary Bratcher, 615‐717‐5002/615‐582‐9703 or
Male Max 2. Faith based. Rent $125/wk. Must find employment. Bible study. Church. NA/AA required if past issues.

Forgiveness House
3515 Summer Ave, Memphis TN 38111
Contact: Cynthia Stewart: 615‐870‐1126 or
Male: Faith based. 4 – 6 months. $500.00 deposit (covers 2 weeks rent plus deposit). Weekly rent $145.00 ‐ $165.00 (based on wages). Must participate in worship services, and AA/NA.

Lee House
Multiple home locations –
3841 Samboney Dr, Nashville 37211 (Female home)
213 Peachtree St, Nashville 37211 (male)
215 Peachtree St, Nashville 37211 (male)
219 Peachtree St, Nashville 37211 (male)
Contact: Robbie Tennpenny, 615‐593‐4955 or
One home for Females and three for Males, $500.00 admission fee. $180.00 per week – nonrefundable. Must be employed within 14 days. AA/NA. Max 2 allowed in the male homes, which are strictly vetted, no “aggravated convictions”

New Visions Recovery
3947 Crouch Drive, Nashville TN 37207
Primary Contact: Tierra Patterson, 615‐788‐7418 or
MALE- $450.00 Deposit. Non‐refundable. 120 days program. Men only. Only accepts RCs w/ no offenses against minors. Must be RHP approved prior if not paying deposit. Faith based. 12 Step meetings, life skills classes. We work with Project Return & church. Bus line. Supportive environment.

1105 N.Watkins St, Memphis TN 38107
Rose Falkner 901‐399‐4855 or
Male: 90 days. $100 deposit. $125 weekly. Recovery Support Services, A&D Education, 12 Step Program, Responsible Fatherhood, Employment Skill Classes, Relapse Prevention, Spiritual/Pastoral Support, Bible Study. Must attend all in‐house programming if not working.

Recovery Soldiers
Female Program: 655 Watauga Rd, Watauga 37694
Female Program Contact: Joshua/Marley Scalf 423‐518‐1450
Male Program: 1180 Bristol Hwy, Elizabethton TN 37643
Male Program Contact: Maigen Vaughn, 423‐518‐1450 or
Faith‐Based. HH Mandate Only. 12 months. $1000 deposit. Volunteer work for RSM is required. Drug/Alcohol Education; Treatment, Individual & Group Counseling, Biblical Studies, Life Skills, Job Skills training, Fundraising, 12‐Step, Employment Assistance, Laundry Services & Support Services (Stepping into Freedom). No Violent SOs. No employment for 9‐12 months.

Room in the Inn
705 Drexel Street, Nashville TN 37203
Contact‐ TDOC Director of Housing for Admission request
Male. 90 days. Must be indigent. NO STG. LOC2+ will require extensive documentation.Must participate in Reentry Housing Program. Must maintain employment. Recovery support. Ang. Mgmt, GED, Emotional Healing curriculum, 12 step, life skills, and counseling.

Second Chance (LIDI)
Two locations – 95 Riverport, Jackson TN 38301,
437 Riverside Dr, Jackson, TN 38301
Primary Contact: Lamont Ingram, 731‐736‐1109 or
Male: Male: 60 days. Without RHP approval, resident must prepay entire program cost up‐front $1700 (include $700 for each month, and $300 non‐refundable deposit). If resident must stay past the 60‐day program length $700 monthly. A&D, Counseling, Life Skills, 12 Step, Parenting, & Anger Mgmt participation required.




Aphesis House Inc – Old Hickory
113 Rayon Dr
Old Hickory, TN 37138
Phone: 615-742-3463
Fax: 615-525-7359
MALE ONLY Contact name: James Settles. $475 deposit. $150 weekly rent. Mandatory meetings include anger management/domestic violence, relapse prevention, recovery skills, spiritual AA/NA. Transportation provided for medical, education classes, work, job search, 12-step meetings, and other services not provided on site. Residents not eligible for passes the first 30 days. Sex offenders, violent offenders, arsonists, and mental health offenders are accepted.

Aphesis House Inc. 1212 So Graycroft Ave Madison, TN 37115 PH: 615-742-3463 Fax: 615 -742-5177 Email: Web: Must Submit Application : When approved and upon arrival $475 admission Fee (Includes 1st weeks of rent) then $150 a week 90 Program.

Verified on Feb 15, 2022

Counties served: Davidson


Transitions Halfway Ministries – Forgiveness House
3515 Summer Ave
Memphis, TN 38122
Phone: 901-218-5423
Fax: 901-405-4655
Contact name: Bob Sauter
ARP: assessments, case management, drug testing, recovery skills, relapse prevention, spiritual/pastoral support, transitional housing, transportation.
$350 non refundable deposit. $260 of deposit applied to first two weeks of residency. $130 per week.
Program length is 90 days to 1 year.
Mandatory group meetings include addiction classes, life skills, money management, bible study, and faith based 12- steps (Jacob’s Well).
Weekly LADAC substance abuse counseling.
Transportation for employment provided for 1st 90 days.

Sex offenders, violent offenders, and mental health offenders are accepted. Arsonists are not accepted.

Odessa’s Home Care
1188 Tutwiler Ave, Memphis TN 38107
Odessa Williamson
901‐569‐3168 or 901‐598‐0657
Male: Has up to 2 beds available for SOs; 90 day Max. stay

Two Property Locations –
1105 N.Watkins St, Memphis TN 38107
817 W. Shelby Dr, Memphis TN 38109
Rose Falkner
Male: 90 days. $100 deposit. $125 weekly. Recovery Support Services, A&D Education, 12 Step Program, Responsible Fatherhood,
Employment Skill Classes, Relapse Prevention, Spiritual/Pastoral Support, Bible Study. Must attend all in‐house programming if not working.


Welcome Home Ministries
1036 Granada Ave
Nashville TN 37206
Daryl Murray

The Atonement House (Brandon Parker)
1618 22nd Avenue North
Nashville TN 37208
Director MALE – MALE – Sex offenders (**adult victims only**)
accepted on a case-by-case basis. Minimum 90 day stay. $150 non-refundable deposit. $125 per week, may pay $250 bi-weekly. Must be employed or become employed within 10 days of entering program. If unemployed at start of program, $195 deposit. Non-licensed counseling available. Job readiness, self-esteem classes/groups. On bus line.

A housing list can be found at the Tennessee DoC website. CLICK HERE to access that site. Those with an asterisk after the program name were listed on the database as of October 2020. Those without an asterisk were listed as of January 2019 but no longer on the site, so they may no longer be valid:

New Visions Recovery*
3947 Crouch Drive Nashville TN 37207
Primary Contact: Tierra Patterson
MALE- $450.00 Deposit. Non‐refundable. 120 days program. Men only. Sex offenders with no offenses against minors. Must be
RHP approved prior if not paying deposit. Faith based. 12 Step meetings, life skills classes. We work with Project Return & church. Bus line. Supportive environment.

Christian Homes Ministries*
Primary Contact: Mr. Cary Bratcher
Two Property Locations —
406 Glengary Drive, Nashville TN 37217
339 East Thompson Lane, Nashville TN 37217
Male. Faith based. Rent $125/wk. Must find employment. Bible study. Church. NA/AA required if past issues *No longer Nashville only acceptance.*

Room in the Inn*
Primary Contact – Jordan Goodrich
705 Drexel Street, Nashville TN 37203
Contact‐ TDOC Director of Housing for Admission request
Male: Sex Offenders. 90 days. Must participate in Reentry Housing Program. Must be indigent. Must maintain employment.
Recovery support. Ang. Mgmt, GED, Emotional Healing curriculum, 12 step, life skills, and counseling.

Lee House*
Multiple home locations –
3841 Samboney Dr, Nashville 37211 (Female home)
213 Peachtree St, Nashville 37211 (male)
215 Peachtree St, Nashville 37211 (male)
219 Peachtree St, Nashville 37211 (male)
Contact: Robbie Tennpenny
One home for Females and three for Males, $500.00 admission fee. $180.00 per week – nonrefundable. Must be employed within 14 days. AA/NA. Maximum 2 Sex offenders allowed in the male homes, which are strictly vetted.

Zac’s Abounding Grace*
204 Swan Ave, Hohenwald TN 38462
Contact – Sheila Frazier
Male – Christian Base program. $350.00 deposit (non‐refundable) which includes admission fee and first two‐week program fees.
$100.00 per week program fees. 12 Step program mandatory. Employment must be found within the first two weeks unless receiving SSA/SSI. Wheelchair accessible.

Recovery Soldiers*
1180 Bristol Hwy, Elizabethton TN 37643
Joshua/Marley Scalf
Male: Faith‐Based. HH Mandate Only. 12 months. $500 deposit .Drug/Alcohol Education & Treatment, Individual& Group
Counseling, Biblical Studies, Life Skills, Job Skills training, Fundraising, 12‐Step, Employment Assistance, Laundry Services and Support Services (Stepping into Freedom). No Violent Sex Offenders. No employment for 9‐12 months.


  1. Angelia Smiley

    Do you have any resources for residential treatment for adolescent sex offenders with mental health disorders and low cognitive functioning?

    Looking to transfer 16 year od to TN to be closer to family.

    Needs psychiatric medication to manage depression, PTSD and suicidal thoughts and attempts.

  2. Calvin Cook

    I am a 72 year old veteran. I am disabled and in a wheelchair. I am homeless after being kicked out of our home by ex-wife. I moved to Chattanooga and registered as a sex offender. I am looking for a room, apartment or home to rent. Please help me if you can because no one will rent or lease to a Registered Sex Offender. My crime was in 1998 and was a victimless crime. A FBI agent entrapped me on the internet pretending to be a girl. She asked me to come to Chicago and have sex. I told her no. That I would not have sex with a minor nor would I drive 1000 miles just to have sex. I was charged with “Use of Interstate Commerce to entice a minor to commit a sex act”. I was sentenced to 3 years in Federal Prison which I completed. I was released in 2002 and put on the Sex Offender Registry.

  3. We are a Veteran’s organization located in Knoxville, TN. We are attempting to house two veterans wo are sex offenders. I see that the resources you have listed are in other parts of the state. Do you know of any housing that may be available in the Knoxville area or surrounding areas?



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Sex Offender One Stop Resource