Sex Offender One Stop Resource



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  1. Pingback: Housing Resource Locator Map Added - Sex Offender One Stop Resource

  2. Adam C

    Hello. I am currently at an expensive motel because I am a sex offender with proximity rules. I have a job and a truck and I really need a compliant place to rent like an appt, a room or mobile home. It is hard for me because of these 1000 ft rules I must follow but I’m a hard working good guy who made a mistake years ago. I’m a returning citizen and have so much I can give back. Please if anyone knows or has a place I could rent in Muscogee county, Columbus GA let me know. Thank You.

    1. if you truly believe you have a lot to offer, let me help you. I was convicted of downloading child pornography in 2014. It turned my life upside down and after I got back from prison, I had to shift completely. but it’s possible. text me I’d love to connect with you 888-571-3989

  3. Hello, I am a sex offender in Clay county Missouri. Kansas City area. I am looking for rental assistance. I live in a compliant apartment facility near public transportation. I have several job leads just need rental assistance badly. I have no remaining family, and have lost all friends because of conviction. I am able bodied. Employment resources would be helpful as well. State job search website is a joke because of constant page refreshing, searches are not really adequate as they mostly listed in Kansas and I cannot go there. They local listings mostly do not hire felons. My resources I have for here prove to be off no help unless I am a veteran, a woman, a senior, or have children. Thank you. Greg.

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Sex Offender One Stop Resource