Please do not email me, cussing me out, or coitizing me for not having any resources, on a certain page of my website, in the county you are searching! I know it is frustrating to search for housing and resources online, and that is what my website is intended to help alleviate.
Though, with that said, If any email comes through to me cussing me or any insults, they will just be disregarded and deleted! I will respond to you as quickly as I can and I thank you for taking the time to visit my website!
Pingback: Housing Resource Locator Map Added - Sex Offender One Stop Resource
I need to find a place for my brother so that he can b close to the family and can b release through a compact package
Please disregard the prior request for housing inquiry information posed by Henry. I have been routed to the wrong website.
looking for housing resources in Tucson area, for SO level 3
Redeemed outreach center accepts sex offenders
My name is shane im the program director my number is 480-800-1635
can you help house a tier 2 registered sex offender living in southern NJ I went on probation today and am in dire need of an address for the probation officer to verify I’ve reached out to various homeless hotlines and the NJ211. to only get the reply ” Sorry Mr Geleng there’s no options for you ” I’m exhausted beyond my means in all areas of health please sir , like I said in my post I’m on my virtual knees begging for help
Shane, what county and/or state do you represent?
I need help with rental assistance and my registered sex offender and I need a place to I’ve been homeless for 2 months living in the forest preserve
I need help
hey need help finding housing for someone asap in the houston area
Please let me know something soon 🙏
what state are you in?
I am looking for housing for me and my wife in an area the a sex offender can live in marion county florida
Looking for sex offender friendly rentals in the Denver Colorado Metro area. Preferably in the Wheatridge or Lakewood area.
Need help finding sex offender landlords
Veterans Housing Outreach Ministries in New Orleans Louisiana. We accept Tier 1, 2 and 3 Sex Offenders from **All 50 States** Call us at (504) 340-3429 for current Room and Bed Rent prices.
Need help with sex offender housing in northern ky for my son
Help us Please
Moving to Twin Falls ASAP and need a place a sex offender can stay
I am planning on moving to Twin Falls ASAP
Hello. I am currently at an expensive motel because I am a sex offender with proximity rules. I have a job and a truck and I really need a compliant place to rent like an appt, a room or mobile home. It is hard for me because of these 1000 ft rules I must follow but I’m a hard working good guy who made a mistake years ago. I’m a returning citizen and have so much I can give back. Please if anyone knows or has a place I could rent in Muscogee county, Columbus GA let me know. Thank You.
hello my name is willam duggon and i have a job and im a sex offender and i live at a half way house and my days is almost up and im looking for apartment
We are Veterans Housing Outreach Ministries. Sex Offenders Housing Initiative. 5043403429. New Orleans Louisiana. Call for prices . Longterm and short term housing.
if you truly believe you have a lot to offer, let me help you. I was convicted of downloading child pornography in 2014. It turned my life upside down and after I got back from prison, I had to shift completely. but it’s possible. text me I’d love to connect with you 888-571-3989
Veterans Housing Outreach Ministries.
Please. I need help!!
I am looking for housing for my son and Palm Beach County level 3so possession of child pornography he is being released next Tuesday on March 7th and I need to find somewhere for him to go
Hello, I am a sex offender in Clay county Missouri. Kansas City area. I am looking for rental assistance. I live in a compliant apartment facility near public transportation. I have several job leads just need rental assistance badly. I have no remaining family, and have lost all friends because of conviction. I am able bodied. Employment resources would be helpful as well. State job search website is a joke because of constant page refreshing, searches are not really adequate as they mostly listed in Kansas and I cannot go there. They local listings mostly do not hire felons. My resources I have for here prove to be off no help unless I am a veteran, a woman, a senior, or have children. Thank you. Greg.
Im having a hard time finding a places to live with the amount of money that i get monthly. plus the thousand feet. I just pray that someone can help. My gmail My phone number is, 9104169452. please help me i beg you
can you help house a tier 2 registered sex offender living in southern NJ I went on probation today and am in dire need of an address for the probation officer to verify I’ve reached out to various homeless hotlines and the NJ211. to only get the reply ” Sorry Mr Geleng there’s no options for you ” I’m exhausted beyond my means in all areas of health please sir , like I said in my post I’m on my virtual knees begging for help having issues with the recaptcha
my son needs help i can’t find a place for us to live cuz of his sex offender case please please help 330 389 4000 ohio we live