In 1947, California became the first state in the US to have a sex offender registry program and, over the years, other states followed suit. North Dakota’s law was passed in 1991. The registries are meant to give residents the tools to protect themselves from victimization. Now, North Dakota’s registry is getting an upgrade to provide residents more information.
The website,, will now display photos of all offenders regardless of risk level and offer additional search functions to determine offender location and description of crimes. Individuals can also sign up to receive notifications about any offender. More information can be found on the website.
“Many of the public safety features were only available for high-risk offenders and those required to register for life. The updated website makes it easy to search for and find detailed information about every offender, regardless of their risk level. The short synopsis of the crime will help the public to gauge their own level of concern about each offender,” said North Dakota Attorney General Drew Wrigley.